Mar 26, 2010

Forever and a Day

Cool But Random: Nau Ubergreen Urban Clothing. What you get when you type in Irony much?

Wow, it's been a mad few weeks since way-back-when I used to sometimes post on this blog. Yeesh. So, update: Costume was a bust, Connooga was a blast, I managed to spill all of my bubble solution right in front of the booth for a webcomic author I admire... and school swallowed me whole. I'm pretty sure I'm in the lower digestive system now, so hopefully this won't last much longer. I'm just not sure yet whether that's fresh air at the end of the proverbial tunnel or, well, the inevitable end to my first metaphor.

I'm excited about a lot of things I'm learning in art, though. Carving has been a blast, and I kind of want to do a series of figures over the summer. But getting a job has become my priority for the moment-- that and getting my GPA up into the slightly-less-pathetic range. Which sadly means my creativity must be limited for the most part to homework for the moment. So until I'm really free, farewell.